
Before I started sharing my philosophy on business and life as a freelancer, I was hesitant.

I knew that I wanted to change my direction. I knew that I wanted to help people through my experience. I knew that I wanted to create upside around me.

I wanted to start sooner. But I couldn’t get going until I understood the nature of counterpoints.

Why was I scared?

Because I wanted people to like me. Because I wanted my opinion to be infallible and agreeable.

I was hoping for an impossible safety net.

Since here’s the thing:

You can’t please all the people all the time. People will disagree with you and it’s OK.

There’s a crucial lesson that anyone who wants to share anything has to learn:

Every point of view has a counterpoint of view. And no one is safe.

This realisation can make you feel:

  1. Even more scared
  2. Completely at ease

This discovery freed me. And the more I shared, the freer I felt to share.

If you feel the fear, remember:

The world’s a better place when you share what you know with it.

Moreover, your world’s a better place when you share what you know.

Counterpoints aren’t scary. They’re the catalyst of growth. You can either run away from them and stay where you are, or embrace them and get to where you want to be.

Every point of view has a counterpoint of view.

So you might as well share yours.